Logan Cundiff

Co-owner & CEO

Logan has professional experience on the front and back end to ensure quality throughout any application he works on. He majored in Digital Arts and Computer Science Engineering at the University of Florida before continuing on to receive a Master's Degree in Computer Science. He is the co-owner of Gator Bytes and is an advocate for servant leadership.

Personal Website

Edward Mensah

Co-owner & CTO

Edward has worked as a lead Full Stack Developer for over 3 years in Gainesville, FL and has gained a strong technical background with working around the clock on Gator Bytes projects. Edward serves as the co-owner for Gator Bytes and hopes to continue to see it grow further! He Graduated from the University of Florida in Computer Science, she has a wide range of skills and background to get around any problem!


Austin Cundiff

IT & Security

Austin has worked as a Cyber Warfare Officer with the United States Airforce for the past 12 years and graduated from the top of his class. He specializes in cyber security and makes sure any project Gator Bytes takes on is secure and technically sound. Austin graduated with his bachelors in Computer Science at Rasmussen College and is currently pursuing a Masters of Science (M.S.) in Computer Science as well. He has served as a webmaster previously and understands both web design and functionality.


Rebecca Cundiff

Designer & UX

With a Doctorate in Occupational Therapy, Rebecca currently helps the Baltimore community as a full time Occupational Therapist for Johns Hopkins. Outside of work, she assists Gator Bytes with our UX and design to make sure we are meeting the needs of our users.
